Sunday, October 31, 2010

You can't Hire Someone Else To Do Your Push-Ups for you"

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I very miss my mum and my dad... I very miss my mum cookery .... A lot .........
Hai, today my exam end already feel so happy, then , my student this 1,2,3,4 nov having their exam .. GOOD luCK K2 children............. TIME gone so fast nov ,coming soon, i need to do a lot of thing and attend my holiday intensive courses.... for 6 day..........

Thursday, October 21, 2010

my child book


Every month i will buy this book because i want increase my knowledge about children ...

Fu hai feng and Cai yun (DOUBLE badminton man from china)

Badminton Racket

My favourite badminton...

Respect each other

 In our life we must now how to respect each other because i dislike people dont know how to respect another people. We must show respect to adult, parent , sibling, friend,roomatesand so on.... ... This is very important .... Respect


My preschool concert  coming soon . All my children so exiceted then i also excited and anxious about their dance. One of my children told his mum dont absent his concert he told his mum this dance try to show about loving each other then the mum laugh and inform to me ... When i ask him he refuse to tell me and just smile it.... So funny .....